JavaScript vs TypeScript 2021
JavaScript has been undoubtedly the standard programming language of the web browser but while it is the inevitable result of any front end work is back in development with node JS now what it is not every developer's favourite building material developers are turning to TypeScript as their go-to language for writing web applications before we go into the details.
Alright, now let's check out a side-by-side TypeScript versus JavaScript comparison which will help you in understanding the difference in the simplest of ways
- JavaScript directly runs in the browser or on a server in (case of node JS thanks to V8 JavaScript engine!).
- TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript it needs to be compiled into JavaScript to execute.
So if you have a JavaScript file that directly runs in a browser consider the types we find that needs some process so that that gets rooted into JavaScript and then eventually it runs in the browser so at the end it has to be converted in JavaScript if you want to execute it
- JavaScript is a scripting language supporting object-oriented programming language concepts.
- TypeScript is a full-fledged object-oriented programming language.
- JavaScript is liberal in data types though it supports all primitive types and objects.
- TypeScript is a strictly typed language it supports all the data types with very strict checking.
In JavaScript, There are various facilities to have custom data types that you can use when required for their program
- JavaScript does not support features like generics and type annotations interfaces Enums or even the type inference.
- TypeScript contains feature such as Generics& Type annotations, Interfaces, Enums or Type Inference.
- JavaScript is comparatively more flexible while you are developing the application while you're writing the code.
- The typeScript score function is to eradicate the development errors.
So, you sometimes see that it behaves very strictly while you are developing, but that also has its own advantages so that at the production level faceless errors
- You can use importing and exporting of new JavaScript, so you have a module where you can deal with it.
- TypeScript you do also have modules you use important export but at the same time, you have a concept of namespaces.
- you do also have modules you use important export but at the same time, you have a concept of namespaces Go JavaScript has a different way to implement.
- But TypeScript gives you a better way to deal with creating the container which contains the code and you segregate the code in more logical segments.
- JavaScript is a flexible and easy learn to script language.
- TypeScript rather has a stiff learning curve and requires prospecting knowledge it does follow various traditional language syntaxes.
but if you are coming from a JavaScript environment you might feel that this is a little bit strict conservative while writing the poll I'm sure now you have a fair understanding about the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript generally we see that bigger projects are managed well with TypeScript language structure what do you think about TypeScript to let us know in the comments section.